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brand移液器代理 27)-斯信生物

brand移液器代理 27)-斯信生物

上海斯信生物科技有限公司 进入商铺
仪表 - 实验仪器装置 - 移液器




  brand移液器(american laboratory products company)成立于1990年,brand移液器公司总部位于美国,公司从成立初期就致力于为生物医药领域提供高质量的检测产品。经过20年的发展,美国brand移液器公司已经从初期的进出口贸易商和代理转变为专业的学检测产品研发、生产和销售为一体的高科技生物公司。特别是在diabetes and obesity糖尿病和肥胖研究领域,美国brand移液器公司提供human insulin elisa kit、mouse insulin elisa kit、rat insulin elisa kit、glp-1(active 7-36)elisa kit、glp-1(7-36 and 9-36)elisa kit、glucagon (human, mouse, rat) elisa kit、c-peptide elisa kit等检测试剂盒产品。

  目前,美国brand移液器公司供应品种齐全的brand移液器 diagnostics和brand移液器 elisa kit产品,检测试剂和elisa试剂盒产品广泛应用于学术研究、生物技术公司和临床诊断等领域。brand移液器 diagnostics和brand移液器 elisa产品线有:immunoassays测定试剂、neuroscience神经生物学、bone metabolism 骨代谢、cardiovascular disease and oxidative stress 心血管疾病和氧化应激、cytokines and cell signaling 细胞因子与细胞信号、diabetes and obesity 糖尿病和肥胖、endocrinology 内分泌学、thyroid function 甲状腺功能、gastroenterology 肠胃病学、immunology 学、reproductive hormones 生殖激素、antibodies and antigens 抗体和抗原、molecular diagnostics 分子诊断学等研究领域。




  insulin (mouse) ultrasensitive elisa kit(for research use only)


  format: elisa / eia

  sample type:serum, plasma

  sample size: 5 μl or 25 μl

  size: 96 wells

  range: 0.025 - 6.9 ng/ml

  sensitivity:0.115 ng/ml (5 μl), 0.019 ng/ml (25 μl)

  incubation time: 2 hour 30 min

  insulin (mouse) ultrasensitive elisa kit 小鼠胰岛素超灵敏elisa检测试剂盒是采用双抗夹心法对胰岛素进行定量检测,灵敏度可以到达0.019ng/ml。更多详细介绍,欢迎来电索取insulin (mouse) ultrasensitive elisa kit产品说明书。现货供应,欢迎来电咨询价格与购买。

  glucagon (human, mouse, rat) elisa kit (for research use only)


  format: elisa / eia

  sample type: plasma

  sample size: 50 μl

  size: 96 wells

  range:50 - 10000 pg/ml

  sensitivity:50 pg/ml

  incubation time: overnight

  glucagon (human, mouse, rat) elisa kit 胰高血糖素elisa试剂盒可用于人、小鼠、大鼠的glucagon蛋白因子的定量检测,该胰高血糖素的检测抗体是1981年nishino, shima and yanaihara等生物学者通过合成glucagon的c-端多肽片段制备而成,使用这些科学家制备的抗体包被生产的elisa试剂盒具有的灵敏度和极强的特异性。灵敏度可以到达50pg/ml。更多详细介绍,欢迎来电索取glucagon (human, mouse, rat) elisa kit产品说明书。现货供应,欢迎来电咨询价格与购买。

  insulin elisa kit(for research use only)


  format: elisa / eia

  sample type:serum, plasma

  sample size: 25 μl

  size:96 wells

  range:3 - 200 μiu/ml

  sensitivity:0.399 μiu/ml

  incubation time: 2 hour

  insulin elisa kit 人胰岛素elisa检测试剂盒是采用双抗夹心法对胰岛素进行定量检测,灵敏度为0.399 μiu/ml。更多详细介绍,欢迎来电索取insulin elisa kit产品说明书。现货供应,欢迎来电咨询价格与购买。



  brand移液器 43-gp1hu-e01 glp-1 (active 7-36) elisa, 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 43-gpthu-e01 glp-1 (7-36 and 9-36) elisa, 96 wells

  brand移液器 47-adphu-e01 adiponectin (total/multimeric) eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 47-adphut-e01 adiponectin (total) eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 47-adpms-e01 adiponectin (mouse hmw & total) elisa, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-cpthu-e01.1 c-peptide elisa (96 wells), "ivd"

  brand移液器 80-cptms-e01 c-peptide (mouse) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-cptrt-e01 c-peptide (rat) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-insbo-e01 bovine insulin elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-inshu-e01.1 insulin eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-inshu-e10.1 insulin jumbo eia (10x96w), "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-inshuu-e01.1 insulin ultrasensitive eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-insrt-e01 insulin (rat), 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-insrt-e10 insulin (rat), 10x96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-insrth-e01 insulin (rat) high range eia, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-insrth-e10 insulin (rat) high range eia, 10x96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-insrtu-e01 insulin (rat) ultrasensitive, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-insrtu-e10 insulin (rat) ultrasensitive, 10x96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-pinhu-e01.1 pro insulin eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-pinms-e01 proinsulin (mouse) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-pinrt-e01 proinsulin (rat) elisa, 96wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 80-sinhu-e01 insulin synthetic eia, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-aldhu-e01 aldosterone eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-aldhu-e01-plas aldosterone eia (plasma) (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-aldhu-l01 aldosterone lia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-andhu-e01 5a-androstane-3a, 17b-diol glucuronide eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-andhu-l01 5a-androstane-3a, 17b-diol glucuronide (3adiolg) "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-anrhu-e01 androstenedione eia* (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-corhu-e01 cortisol eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-corhu-e01-slv direct salivary cortisol eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-dhehu-e01 dhea-s eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-dhthu-e01 dihydrotestosterone direct eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-esrhu-e01 estrone eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-esrhu-l01 estrone (serum) lia "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-esthu-e01 estradiol eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-fshhu-e01 follicle stimulating hormone eia, "ruo" 96 wells

  brand移液器 11-ft4hu-l01 free thyroxine (ft4) "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-ftshu-e01 free testosterone eia, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-ftshu-l01 free testosterone lia, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-igfhu-e01 igfbp-1, eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-lephu-e01 leptin elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-luthu-e01 luteinizing hormone eia, "ruo" 96 wells

  brand移液器 11-prehu-e01 pregnenolone eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-prohu-e01 progesterone eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-prohu-e01-slv direct salivary progesterone eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-prohu-l01 progesterone (serum) "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-psahu-l01 psa (total) lia, 96w "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-renhu-l01 renin activity lia, 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-shbhu-e01 sex hormon bind glob (new) eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-teshu-e01 testosterone (serum) eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-teshu-e01-plas total testosterone assay (plasma) "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-teshu-e01-slv testosterone direct salivary eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-teshu-l01 testosterone saliva lia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-tpohu-e01 anti-tpo (anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 11-tshhu-l01 thyroid stimulating hormone lia "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-5hihu-e01 5-hiaa eia, (96 wells) "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-bcthu-e02.1 bi-cat eia (2x96 wells) eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-bcthu-e02-res bi-cat eia research (2x96 wells) eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-dophu-e01.1 dopamine eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-dophu-e01-res dopamine (research) eia (96 wells), (urine and/or plasma), "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-epihu-e01.1 epinephrine eia 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-epihu-e01-res epinephrine (research) eia 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-gabhu-e01 gaba elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-gluhu-e01 glutamate elisa, 96 wells, ruo

  brand移液器 17-hishu-e01 histamine eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-hishu-e01-food histamine (in food) eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-hishu-e01-stl histamine stool elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-hisrt-e01-res histamine research eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-methu-e01-fst metanephrine (plasma) eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-norhu-e01.1 norepinephrine eia (96 wells), ruo

  brand移液器 17-norhu-e01-res norepinephrine (research) eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-serhu-e01-fst serotonin elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-serhu-e01-res serotonin (research) eia (96 wells) "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-tcthu-e03.1 tri-cat eia, 3 x 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-tcthu-e03-res tri-cat (research) eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 17-trphu-e01 tryptophan elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-17ohu-e01 17-oh-progesterone eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-17ohu-e01-slv direct salivary 17-oh progesterone eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-242hu-e01 ca 242 elisa, 96wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-asahu-e01 anti-sperm ab eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-c5ahu-e01 c5a eia (2 plate), "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-cgghu-e01 chlamydia (igg) ab eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-corhu-e01-slv direct salivary cortisol eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-pcohu-e01 pap complex eia, "ruo" 2 plates

  brand移液器 20-pmshu-e01 pmsg eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-rsvhu-e01 respiratory syncytial viruse (rsv) igg elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-tgf1hu-e01 tgf-beta-1 eia, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 20-tgf2hu-e01 tgf beta-2 eia, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 21-acthu-e01 acth eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 21-calhu-e01 calcitonin eia , (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 21-epohu-e01 epo (erythropoietin) eia, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 21-gadhu-e01 gad (glutamic acid decarboxylase) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 21-iaahu-e01 insulin auto-ab (iaa) eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 21-icahu-e01 islet cell ab (ica) eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 21-ipthu-e01 intact pth eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 21-tpohu-e01 anti-tpo eia, 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 22-adprt-e01 adiponectin (rat) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 22-hghhuu-e01 growth hormone ultrasensitive, 96wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 22-ig1ms-e01 igf-1 (mouse, rat) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 22-igf-e05 igfbp-2 elisa (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 22-igf-e30 igf-2 elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 22-igfhu-e01 igf-i elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 22-lepms-e01 mouse/rat leptin eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 22-migf-e08 mouse igfbp-2 elisa (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 24-mabhu-e01 microalbumin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 24-myohu-e01 myoglobin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-125hu-e01 ca 125 eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-153hu-e01 ca 15-3 eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-199hu-e01 ca 19-9 eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-afphu-e01 alph-fetoprotein (afp) eia, 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-bmghu-e01 beta-2 microglobulin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-ceahu-e01 cea (carcinoembryonic antigen) eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-fbehu-e01 human chorionic gonadotropin (free beta) eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-ferhu-e01 human ferritin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-ft3hu-e01 ft3 (free-triiodothyronine) eia kit, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-ft4hu-e01 ft4 (freethyroxine) eia kit, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 25-hcghu-e01 human chroionic gonad. eia*, "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-8sahu-e01 anti-phospholipid 8-s iga eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-afchu-e01 alpha fordin check (igg iga) eia, "ruo" 96w

  brand移液器 35-afghu-e01 anti-alpha-fodrin igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-afohu-e01 alpha-fodrin-a 96wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-agmhu-e01 rf-agm profile eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-an8hu-e01 ana 8 screen igg eia, 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-anahu-e01 ana 8 profile igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-asahu-e01 asca iga eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-asghu-e01 asca igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-b2ghu-e01 b2-glycoprotein iga eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-b2shu-e01 b2-glycoprotein screen eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-caahu-e01 cardiolipin iga eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-caghu-e01 cardiolipin igg & igm eia

  brand移液器 35-cashu-e01 cardiolipin screen ab eia

  brand移液器 35-cathu-e01 anti-cathepsin g igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-celhu-e01 celicheck eia (neo-epitopes), (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-cenhu-e01 anti-cenp-b igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-crohu-e01 crohn's check (anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae, iga & igg "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-dsahu-e01 anti-ds-dna iga eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-dsghu-e01 anti-ds-dna igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-dsmhu-e01 anti-ds-dna igm eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-dsshu-e01 anti-ds-dna screen eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-e6phu-e01 ena 6profile (96 wells) eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-e6shu-e01 ena screen (96 wells) igg eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-elahu-e01 anti-elastase igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-gbmhu-e01 anti-gbm igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-ggmhu-e01 b2-glycoprotein igg & igm eia, "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-glahu-e01 gliadin iga eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-glghu-e01 gliadin igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-h2ahu-e01 anti-histone h2a igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-hh1hu-e01 anti-histone h1 igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-hh3hu-e01 anti-histone h3 igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-hh4hu-e01 anti-histone h4 igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-hschu-e01 anti-histone c igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-inahu-e01 insulin autoantibody eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-inohu-e01 inositol-ab igg/igm eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-jo1hu-e01 anti-jo1 igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-lc1hu-e01 anti-lc1 liver cytosol(lgg) eia, 96 wells, "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-lkmhu-e01 anti-lkm-1 eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-m2ghu-e01 anti-m2 igg eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-mpohu-e01 anti-mpo igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-nuchu-e01 nucleao-h igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-p8phu-e01 phospholipid-8 pro-gm, "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-plshu-e01 anti-phospholipid-screen "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-pr3hu-e01 proteinase 3 (pr3) igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-ptahu-e01 anti-prothrombin iga eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-ptmhu-e01 anti-prothrombin igm eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-rfshu-e01 rf screen eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-ribhu-e01 anti-rib-p igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-s52hu-e01 anti-ss-a-52 igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-s60hu-e01 anti-ss-a-60 igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-scihu-e01 anti-scl-70 igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-sclhu-e01 sclero-profile igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-sdahu-e01 anti-ss-dna iga eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-sdghu-e01 anti-ss-dna igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-sdmhu-e01 anti-ss-dna igm eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-serhu-e01 serine-ab igg/igm eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-slahu-e01 anti-soluble liver antigen (sla) - igg eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-smihu-e01 anti-sm igg eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-snrhu-e01 anti-snrnp-c igg eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-ssahu-e01 anti-ss-a igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-ssbhu-e01 anti-ss-b igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-ssshu-e01 anti-ss-dna screen eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-tbahu-e01 thrombin iga eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-tbghu-e01 thrombin igg eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-tgahu-e01 anti-ttg iga eia(neo-epitopes), (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-tgghu-e01 anti-ttg igg eia(neo-epitopes), (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 35-u17hu-e01 anti-u1-70 igg eia (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 38-bp3hu-e01.1 igfbp-3 eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 38-havhu-e01 anti hav elisa, 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 38-osthu-e01 osteocalcin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-a1aca-e01 alpha 1-antitrypsin (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-a1ams-e01 alpha 1-antitrypsin (mouse) elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 41-a1chu-e01 alpha 1-antichymotrypsin elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-a2mrb-e01 alpha 2 macroglobulin (rabbit) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-a2mrt-e01 rat alpha 2-macroglobulin elisa, 96 wells "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-agpca-e01 alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-agpch-e01 alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (chicken) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-agphu-e01 alpha 1-acid glycoprotein elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-agprt-e01 alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (rat) eia "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-albca-e01 albumin (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-albms-e01 mouse albumin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-albrt-e01 rat albumin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-apohu-e01 apolipoprotein a-1 elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-at3rt-e01 antithrombin iii (rat) elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 41-casbo-e01 casein (bovine, in food) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-cerrt-e01 ceruloplasmin (rat) elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 41-co3ca-e01 complement factor 3 (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-co3gp-e01 complement factor 3 (guinea pig) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-co3ms-e01 complement factor 3 (mouse) elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 41-co3rt-e01 complement factor 3 (rat) elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 41-crpca-e01 canine c-reactive protein eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-crpeq-e01 c-reactive protein (equine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-crpfe-e01 c-reactive protein (feline) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-crpms-e01 mouse c-reactive protein eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-crppo-e01 porcine c-reative protein eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-crprb-e01 rabbit c-reactive protein eia, (96 wells),"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-crprt-e01 rat c-reactive protein eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-ferms-e01 ferritin (mouse) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-ferrt-e01 ferritin (rat) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-fibca-e01 fibrinogen (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-fibhu-e01 fribrinogen (human) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-fibms-e01 fribrinogen (mouse) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-fibpo-e01 fibrinogen (porcine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-fibrt-e01 fribrinogen (rat) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-fnems-e01 fibronectin (mouse) elisa, 96w "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-fnert-e01 fibronectin (rat) elisa, 96w "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hapbo-e01 bovine haptoglobin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hapca-e01 canine haptoglobin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hapeq-e01 haptoglobin (equine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hapfe-e01 haptoglobin (feline) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-haphu-e01 haptoglobin (human) elisa (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hapms-e01 mouse haptoglobin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-happo-e01 porcine haptoglobin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-haprb-e01 haptoglobin (rabbit) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-haprt-e01 rat haptoglobin eia, (96 wells), "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hemeq-e01 hemoglobin (equine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hemms-e01 hemoglobin (mouse) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hemrt-e01 hemoglobin (rat) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hmphu-e01 hemopexin (human) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hmpms-e01 hemopexin (mouse) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-hmprt-e01 hemopexin (rat) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-i2ams-e01 igg2a (mouse) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-i2bms-e01 igg2b (mouse) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-ig1ms-e01 igg1 (mouse) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-ig3ms-e01 igg3 (mouse) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-is-e01 iga (mouse) elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 41-igart-e01 iga (rat) elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 41-igdhu-e01 igd elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igeca-e01 ige (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igeeq-e01 ige (equine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igefe-e01 ige (feline) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igems-e01 ige (mouse) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igert-e01 ige (rat) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-iggca-e01 igg (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-iggms-e01 igg (mouse) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-iggrt-e01 igg (rat) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igmca-e01 igm (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igmch-e01 igm (chicken) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igmhu-e01 igm elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igmms-e01 igm (mouse) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igmrt-e01 igm (rat) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-igych-e01 igy (chicken) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-kaphu-e01 kappa elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-lachu-e01 lactoferrin elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-lamhu-e01 lambda elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-myoms-e01 myoglobin (mouse) elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 41-myort-e01 myoglobin (rat) elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 41-ovoch-e01 ovotransferrin (chicken) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-palms-e01 prealbumin (mouse) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-palrt-e01 prealbumin (rat) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-placa-e01 plasminogen (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-plahu-e01 plasminogen (human) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-plams-e01 plasminogen (mouse) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-plapo-e01 plasminogen (porcine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-plarb-e01 plasminogen (rabbit) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-plart-e01 plasminogen (rat) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-saams-e01 serum amyloid a (mouse) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-sapms-e01 serum amyloid protein (mouse) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-saprt-e01 serum amyloid protein (rat) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-thirt-e01 thiostatin (rat) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-traca-e01 transferrin (canine) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-trahu-e01 transferrin elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-trams-e01 transferrin (mouse) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-trarb-e01 transferrin (rabbit) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 41-trart-e01 transferrin (rat) elisa "ruo"

  brand移液器 41-vdbrt-e01 vitamin d binding protein (rat) elisa, 96 wells,"ruo"

  brand移液器 43-cashu-e01 anti-casr igg elisa, 96w, ruo

  brand移液器 43-chrhu-e01.2 chromogranin a eia, 96w, "ruo

  brand移液器 43-chrhu-e01.3 chromogranin elisa, 96w, "ruo

  brand移液器 43-fethu-e01 fetuin-a eia, 96w, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 43-fethuu-e01 fetuin-a ultrasensitive eia, 96w, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 43-hahhu-e01 haha (human anti-human antibody) elisa "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 43-hamhu-e01 hama eia (human anti mouse antibodies) 96w, ruo

  美国brand移液器公司 43-nsehu-e01 nse elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 43-osnhu-e01 osteocalcin (1-43/49) elisa 96wells, ruo

  美国brand移液器公司 43-pe1hu-e01 pepsinogen i elisa, (96 wells), "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 43-pe2hu-e01 pepsinogen ii elisa, stds 1.7 to 2.5 (96 wells), "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 47-cethu-e01 cetp (cholesteryl ester transfer protein) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 47-lcahu-e01 lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase elisa, 96w "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 47-lplhu-e01 lpl (lipoprotein lipase) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-agrhu-e01 ghrelin (active) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-brahu-e01 bradykinin eia, "ruo" 96w

  美国brand移液器公司 48-cinrt-e01 cinc-1 (rat) eia, "ruo" 96w

  美国brand移液器公司 48-cmthu-e01 c-met (hgfr) elisa

  美国brand移液器公司 48-corms-e01 corticosterone elisa, "ruo" 96w

  美国brand移液器公司 48-crfms-e01 crf-hs, mouse/rat eia, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-dgrhu-e01 ghrelin (desacyl) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-esthu-e01 estradiol 17 beta eia, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-glihu-e01 glicentin eia "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-gluhu-e01 glucagon eia, 96w, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-gp2hu-e01.1 glp-2 eia "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-gp2ms-e01 glp-2 (mouse) eia "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-gp2rt-e01 glp-2 (rat) eia "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-micrt-e01 microglobulin beta 2 (rat) eia "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-mp3hu-e01 mmp-3 (matrix metalloproteinase), "ruo" 96w

  美国brand移液器公司 48-noshu-e01 nitric oxide synthase-1 (h/r) elisa, 96w, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-obehu-e01 obestatin elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-obems-e01 obestatin (mouse/rat) elisa "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-plahu-r50 phospholipase 2 (pla2), 96 wells, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-ptxhu-e01 pentraxin 3 (ptx3) elisa, 96 wells, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-pyyhu-e01.1 pyy eia, "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-pyyrt-e01.1 pyy (rat) eia "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-s1bhu-e01 s-100 beta eia "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-ur2ms-e01 urocortin 2 (mouse) eia "ruo"

  美国brand移液器公司 48-uroms-e01 mouse/rat urocortin 3 eia, 96w, "ruo"

固定电话: 02********1579
移动电话: 189****1965